A Community Working Together with their Local Leaders and Salama SHIELD Foundation to Achieve a Common Goal

The people of Kamengo village together with the local leaders of the area have become a model village for working together to achieve a common goal. It is unusual for people in a village to come together to achieve a common goal. In most cases and during these times, it is hard to find a community working together as there is always rivalry where everyone goes about their busines without thinking about others.

Kamengo community members, Company

Banking the Un-bankable

Financial inclusion is still an illusion for many peasant families in Lyantonde district. Their (peasant families) reasons for not having bank accounts vary. Some are too poor to own one and others lack financial literacy to open one. These people are known as the un-banked. By definition, the un-banked are individuals that have no bank accounts. Their income and expense streams are often inconsistent and they don’t always follow a structured budget.

Without savings and bank accounts, access to financial services such as loans is challenging.

Ninsiima Rachael.